Friday, April 8, 2011

Sabon ni Juan - patriotism is cute!

Ok, ok i've seen the philippine flag and map in every shirt, bag, mug, cap, jacket, callphone and just about any flat surface i can think of...and if that wasn't enough, Sabon Ni Juan gives us hand made patriotic pinoy soap! These are so far the cutest patriotic product Ive seen! and the price is patriotic too!

I love PH Php99

Pagong Ligo (love the cute name!) Php65

Sabon ni Ninoy Php85

Jeepney Joyride Php99

Soapin Soapin Php 75

Tarsier Soap

Soap of the Sun

These would make perfect pasalubong from tourists and  balikbayan to their friends abroad!

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