Sunday, April 3, 2011

seek and you shall find...cute!

Cute comes from unexpected places.

Today, I brought my grandma to have her hair permed. Since it would take her a while to get her hair done, I decided to spend some time in Sucat Uniwide Warehouse  across the street. I remember when Uniwide used to be THE place for sari sari store owners to haul local and imported goods wholesale. That changed when they were hit badly by the economic crisis in the 90's and a lot of their branches closed. The remaining ones now cater to the low-end market but if you don't mind a little bit of dust and no airconditioning, you may be rewarded with finds like these...!

Super Cute" Tattooed" Ceramic Dog Php50

feel like a princess with these set of gorgeous embroidered curtain Php370 each.
p.s. They have a lot of really pretty embroidered  curtains.

Sugar Jar Php 150
there's also one for tea and cofee. I'll use these to keep loose change i bring home everyday. The cover has a rubber lining so it's airtight just in case you really want to put sugar tea or coffee in it.

 Handpainted Ceramic Owls Php69 for the big one and Php39 for the small one.

Uniwide warehouse has quite abit of ceramic and tableware collection. There are some tacky ones but I saw a lot of nice stuff too. Too bad i didn't bring my camera with me. But i'll definitely go back and post some more pictures soon. Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. you should post about the new super cute pedobear hats :3
